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Home / Articles / Ending Domestic Violence / October Is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October Is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Here are 23 ways you can make a difference

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  • Oct 03, 2016
October Is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

1.Volunteer! Plug in your zip code at to find shelters and domestic violence agencies in your area.

2.Donate goods. Domestic violence survivors who leave an abuser often have little more than the clothes on their backs. Donations of household goods, uniforms, toys and small appliances can make a big difference. Check with your local shelter to see how you can help.

3.Wear purple clothing or ribbons on Thursday, Oct. 22 in support of domestic violence awareness, and share your photo with the tag #PurpleThursday.

4.Distribute purple ribbons to visible community members such as clergy, law enforcement officers, court officials, librarians, postal employees and emergency room staff.

5.Part with a few dollars. Many shelters and agencies run on shoestring budgets. Even a small donation can make a big difference. You can even donate to, which likewise is a non-profit on a very tight budget.

6.Join the #MoveToEndDV ambassadors program. Ambassadors reach out to local domestic violence shelters and ask them for a wish list of goods and services they need, then connect with local businesses that might be able to fill the wish list.

7.If you know a shelter that’s not listed on encourage them to connect with us – it’s easy and free.

8.Share the stories of survivors who are thriving on your social media accounts.

9.Write an op-ed or editorial raising awareness about domestic violence for your local newspaper.

10.Ask the editor of a high school or college newspaper in your community to run a story on teen dating violence.

11.Publicly thank community members who are working to end domestic violence with a letter to the editor of your local paper or a statement in social media.

12.Share articles from on social media. Not sure what to share? How about one of these hero pieces on ordinary people doing extraordinary things to help survivors of domestic violence?

13.Educate yourself. Would you know if a friend was being abused? By the time bruises appear, abuse may have been going on for years. Know the warning signs.

14.Know what to do. If a friend or loved one is being abused support them even if they make choices you don’t agree with. Don’t insist that they leave their partner, but help them develop a safety plan. Take a minute to read through this list of 25 ways you can help.

15.Sign up for a weekly email from that offers articles for people experiencing domestic violence, survivors, friends and family, and others.

16.Watch and share the 1-minute Shatter the Silence video and download the One Love My Plan app that can help you evaluate whether someone is being abused.

17.Organize a silent witness exhibit, purple lights night or clothesline project to raise awareness of domestic violence in your community.

18.Send letters to religious organizations in your area asking them to address domestic violence in their meetings or newsletters in October.

19.Host a candlelight vigil in your community to honor survivors and victims of domestic violence.

20.Work with a local animal shelter to encourage people in the community to foster pets for survivors who need temporary pet care.

21.Organize a walk-a-thon, 5k fun run, comedy night, backyard barbeque with friends and donate the proceeds to your local shelter or agency.

22.Ask a local restaurant to donate a percent of their profits on a certain night to your local shelter or agency.

23.Start a supply drive. Enlist your community and collect clothing, personal care items, diapers and toys to donate to your local shelter.